Saturday, February 25, 2023

Where to film...?

The location of a film is one of the most important parts of the film. Productions could have the best plot ever but have a bad location to film in. That will make the movie go from a 10 to 5 at least. It is important to have a location that matched the plot perfectly. In my case, as you saw in my storyboards in my previous posts, the location of my film opening will take place somewhere that is very bland. It can either be someone's house or a very bland office.

I found a picture of a low-lighting desk. This picture gives me inspiration and shows my idea of how I would like the location of my film. As you can see, the only thing that is really visible is the desk and chair. The surroundings of the desk and chair are not clear. The only thing that is visible is what the creators of the photo want you to focus on. This is what I would like my film to look like; with the desk being the only thing visible/ clear.

The next two pictures are how I would like the whole film opening to look like. The first photo is similar to the previous photo. They both have one singular light showing a specific part of the room which is what should be focused on. The rest of the room is not clear. These three pictures also have low lighting. This is one of the most important parts of the location where I will film. The second picture also has a specific light coming from the window and is also very dark/ low lighting. 

I would like to merge these three into one for my film opening. For the location of my film opening, I would like to be in a room that is very dark and bland. In the first picture, there is a desk with light only pointing at the desk, making the rest dark, but you can see a bookshelf next to the desk very unclear. In the second and third pictures, the room is completely empty. In my film opening, I would like for there to be a desk, and only a desk, with dim lights pointing at the desk, making the rest of the room dark. Even though the rest of the room is dark, it will be clear that there is nothing else in the room beside the desk. This will be the only location seen in my film opening.

Stay tuned to see how the location will add to the rest of the production in my film opening!

Sources of pictures:

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Film Opening

Film opening.mp4