Monday, April 3, 2023

Final CCRs!

And yet another thing that is finally complete! 

My CCRs both took a lot of time to make. It took a lot of retakes and a lot of time and thinking to create the scripts, but again, they are done. As I said it the last post with my final film opening, it feels like I started the project just yesterday, and now I am ready to present it to you. After a while of showing you pictures of the editing process of my CCRs you get to finally see it. So without further ado...

I present to you my first CCR and my second CCR!

I hope you enjoy them!

Final Film Opening!

Wow... it feels like I started this project yesterday, but here I am, presenting it to you guys. 

I have learned a lot these past few weeks about planning, production, editing, etc. I have worked really long and hard on this project, and don't regret a thing. I am extremely happy and proud with how it turned out. After all of these weeks of blogging, and editing, and putting little pieces of my film opening on my blog, it is finally the time to show you guys. So without further ado...

I present my official film opening!

I hope you all enjoy it!

Sunday, April 2, 2023

Finished Editing Documentary

This CCR took a while to film and edit. I had to read off of a script, while trying to seem like I was not reading off of a script. It was really hard to do so, which made me take many takes.

I edited a lot of pop ups to show visulas and make my documentary a bit more exciting, while keeping it somewhat professional. All of the information was stated showing B - roll and some of the A-roll as well with the diagetic sounds.

I put the links to all of the things I used in my CCR down below. I used references from my inspirations as well as just images of what I was talking about, and clips of my actual film opening.

I attached screenshots of my editing below, as well as a close up to my workspace.

The next posts will be my final CCRs, and my final film opening. Thank you for keeping up with this journey. I cant wait for you to see my final products!

Sources -

Saturday, April 1, 2023

CCR Documentary

Today I filmed my CCR that is a documentary. It ended up going really nicely, and I can’t wait to edit it. I already know everything that I am going to edit into my CCR. So I am basically almost done with 1/2 of my CCRs. 

Now my original plan was to do a carpool karaoke, however I don’t believe I have enough time to do it. My wifi had recently not been working at my house, so it has been very hard to do any homework, or edit anything. 

Because of this issue, I only have tomorrow to edit both of my CCR’s. I think that I will end up just making a PowerPoint with a voiceover as my second CCR, and put a lot of work into my first one. Don’t get me wrong, I am still going to put effort into my second one as well.

With that being mentioned, I attached a screenshot of my documentary CCR below.

The resolution looks low, but it is not. I wanted to make the lighting sort of the same as in my film opening to connect my CCR and my opening. I will be using this and combining it with other clips from my opening, and other psychological thrillers as well as some other information that I will state in my documentary.

I am really upset that I do not have time to film the carpool karaoke because I really liked the idea, but I will make the PowerPoint as exciting as I possibly can.

Keep coming back to see my final opening and CCR very very soon!

Film Opening

Film opening.mp4