Sunday, April 2, 2023

Finished Editing Documentary

This CCR took a while to film and edit. I had to read off of a script, while trying to seem like I was not reading off of a script. It was really hard to do so, which made me take many takes.

I edited a lot of pop ups to show visulas and make my documentary a bit more exciting, while keeping it somewhat professional. All of the information was stated showing B - roll and some of the A-roll as well with the diagetic sounds.

I put the links to all of the things I used in my CCR down below. I used references from my inspirations as well as just images of what I was talking about, and clips of my actual film opening.

I attached screenshots of my editing below, as well as a close up to my workspace.

The next posts will be my final CCRs, and my final film opening. Thank you for keeping up with this journey. I cant wait for you to see my final products!

Sources -

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Film Opening

Film opening.mp4